
Monday, February 22, 2010

Epic Swiss Fricking Glacier Goddam Goggles!!!! (now with pictures)

Today I received a very, very exciting package in the mail.

In this package was a tiny tin can.

Inside this tin can, was the most awesome thing I have ever owned.

Antique Swiss glacier goggles.

I am badass :D

-Mysterious Penguin

Monday, February 15, 2010

Life is a damn crazy thing.

So I've been holding up posting because of very exciting news. I have a place to live next year! Its a house of eight engineers, seven guys and one girl, in every year possible, and a wide variety of streams. In other words, a fucking crazy party house fun time! However, the very night I was supposed to sign the lease, my father got a call from the transplant office, telling him to come down to the hospital (he's been on the list for years, but now has finally gotten it).
So, instead of my dad and mom coming down to see the house, my sister came down to see it for them, and as we were winning our first gold medal on our own soil, my dad was getting admitted to surgery.
I'm happy to report that the surgery went AOK and he is now recovering nicely. But well, my plans for a fun-filled reading week have slightly evaporated, and I am exhausted.

-Mysterious Penguin

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ow. My head

I can't really remember last night. There was lots of toasting and cheering. And I think I found a house. While drunk. I'm going to go get some food now. MMMMMMMM

Monday, February 1, 2010

Steampunk Fireballs and Facebook Pictures

Holy shit on a stick, life has gotten crazy busy recently. Not only do I have a metric shit ton of work and midterms and assignments to do, I've been going to social after social. Most recently was Fireball, the engineering formal where everyone is at least 19, and you get three free drink tickets. Needless to say, that was a very, very good night. I also am going to a medieval reenactment society meeting thing (read being dragged along by a friend), and am anticipating the arrival of a pair of very nifty goggles soon, for the coolest project ever, a steampunk costume.
In terms of facebook, its kind of sad that I post so few pictures myself that my parents actually wonder whether or not there is something between me and whoever is posting the most pictures with me in at the time. (Yes Sharayah, they thought we were 'more then friends', and yes, this is about all I'm going to post about you. You need to give me stuff to post about next time :D).

-Mysterious Penguin

P.S. You know, you never see ragamuffin steampunk, its always high class victorian, never the underbelly. Sarah, get on that :P