Midnight is long gone. I have a midterm tommorow (technically today), and on wednesday (technically tommorow). I have drawings to do, physics problems, I don't understand enough of my math, I need to interview random students about beer (loooong story), I'm going to be stroking people's beards friday (looooonger story) and I have roughly two months left of school.
But I'm not thinking about any of that right now.
I want an adventure. I don't mean I suddenly want to discover a hidden underground society or some bullshit (though that would be sweet), I want to do something different with my life. Travel across Europe, visit the Arctic, learn to blacksmith, anything, anything to make sure my life doesn't drown in a wave of mundaneness and routine, one last hurrah before I begin the long trudge through life. I want an adventure, something I can one day tell my kids stories about, a time which leaves me with friends I can call from around the world, something which shows me that we aren't just boring little automatons clunking from wind-up to wind-down.
But the worst thing about all this want is that I know its temporary. I know that the majority of it is just frustration over the workload, over all of life's little problems, and that tomorrow this burning need will be gone.
Still...if right now, someone came up to me to propose doing something so awesomely and incredibly outrageous, if, to quote the less famous Captain Jack, "That special kind of Doctor" was to come by, right now, I'd accept in a flash.
Too bad really. Life is a great adventure, and I am incredibly fortunate to be able to do what I do, and I love pretty much every aspect of my life, so I don't think I will complain.
Still...I want an adventure
-Mysterious Penguin
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