
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The first Comic! Girls Don't Play Games

 **Note, comics will be reviewed in the order they are in my bookmarks**

Girls Don't Play Games is a comic that I only recently discovered, but is keeping my interest fairly well. It's part of the typical gaming webcomic, except that this one is written and drawn by a female gamer. While it doesn't really feature long story arcs (at least, not yet), it does have continuous characters. I'm not really sure how much of the comic is based on real life events and how much is made up, but GDPG certainly keeps your attention, with very bright colours and an art style I don't think I've seen before. Many of the comics focus on various games and other gamer related things. The author is an avid gamer and cosplayer, and frequently features her family and friends in this comic. Although she does draw her boyfriend as a salamander. Or is it a newt....

-The Mysterious Penguin

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