
Saturday, August 21, 2010


I read far too many webcomics. This is a known fact. A lesser known fact is how many podcasts I listen to. My first one was ExtraLife Radio, courtesy of the webcomic EXTRALIFE. After that one very sadly ended, I branched out into other podcasts that the creator, Scott Johnson was part of or mentioned.

First came Final Score, the replacement for ExtraLife, where they talk about video games and all the random paraphernalia that comes with it. Along with that came another of Scott's podcasts, Current Geek, where the investigate the current geekiest stories of the week. I also got into Hypothetical Help, where Scott and a British friend offer hypothetical help to someone.

Along with all these podcasts that involve Scott Johnson, I got into Critical Hit, a Dungeons and Dragon's podcast from the good folk at Major Spoilers. After getting through the considerable backlog, I decided that these guys were great, and started listening to their main podcast, Major Spoilers podcast.

So yes, while my webcomic list is longer then my arm, my podcast list definitely is not short, and updates more then often enough. You can find all of Scott Johnson's podcasts, a bunch of other podcasts, and other fun stuff at FrogPants Studios

-The Mysterious Penguin

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am a very serious and dedi-OOH LOOK A BUNNY

So I have a working computer, I have tons of time on my hands, and yet I still haven't really updated. WHY???? I don't feel like it. I'm still going to be posting here, and there will likely be lots of webcomic reviews still, but this blog is for me, and if I don't feel like posting webcomic reviews, then so be it.

In other news, I got confirmation that I'm into second year Computer Engineering and Society! Unfortunately, I can't choose courses until the 17th, so that's going to be lots of fun. Sarah is coming in tomorrow (its after midnight), and Great Big Sea concert is next weekend! Now that I'm done school, I find myself spending a lot of time doing absolutely nothing. If anybody reads this and can think of something actually interesting for me to do before September, comment and let me know. I also still welcome webcomic suggestions, because I wuv my webcomics.

And to distract you from my lack of update....

-The Mysterious Penguin

Monday, August 9, 2010


Comics From Space! is a relatively new comic in my repertoire, that chronicles the adventures of some nameless starship and their wacky crew, who include a robot who goes DOOT and a guy who got to go to space because he won a contest. There has been a bit of plot, but it mostly consists of small funny story arcs and funny characters being funny. The art style isn't really anything special, not all that good and not all that bad, but good enough that it its readable.

This comic is not really for everyone, its humour isn't exactly the kind everyone gets, but if you like funny but real characters in a setting that isn't quite normal, then this is a good webcomic for you.

-The Mysterious Penguin

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Comic's Return...

Well, I'm realtively certain I have all my webcomics back and ready, but I have an exam on Friday, and am holding off on updating until Monday. There may be a rather incoherent post on Sunday about beaches and heavy drinking and my liver trying to murder me, but ignore those >_>

-The Mysterious Penguin

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Zombie Computers!

My computer has risen from the undead once again! I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out which webcomics I'm missing from my list. Hopefully I'll be able to find them, or else I'm going to have to rely on my meatspace friends and anyone who reads this blog to try and provide me with new webcomics to read. *HINT HINT*

In other me related news, my course is almost done, one of my best friends just turned 19, so drinking fun times with her tonight, and crazy engineering shenanigans for this coming weekend are a go!

-The Mysterious Penguin