So here I am, sitting down to right my first blag post. I've always liked blagging, but there was facebook, so I was content and didn't start a blag. Then along came the new facebook, which preceded to drive me temporarily insane. I found out that during my insanity I had sworn never to use facebook again.
Now I probably should tell you what you'll most likely see me blagging about. Absolutely anything. I'm Canadian, so there might be some Canadian stuff...I like computers, there will be some of that for sure, and I love webcomics! So there may occasionally be a comic put up for our shared amusement, mine for thinking I'm funny, and yours at my horrible humour.
Too all my friends who come here from fartbook, feel free to use the comment boxes as a subsitute wall. And bookmark me. I mean it. I know where you live V.
One last comment. My sign-off name, it does mean something. Those who know it, will enjoy it, everyone else, have fun trying to figure it out.
No. Way.
and "of" isn't included in acronyms, silly! Remove an O before the acronym demons eat you. Seriously. The will consume your SOUL.
...Geez...Blag?...*sighs/rollseyes/goes back to doing last night's homework because she got an extension until this afternoon...thank god for 2 hour lunches*
Oh, that last comment was SHOE btw...xD
Just in case you couldn't tell.
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