
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I am a very serious and dedi-OOH LOOK A BUNNY

So I have a working computer, I have tons of time on my hands, and yet I still haven't really updated. WHY???? I don't feel like it. I'm still going to be posting here, and there will likely be lots of webcomic reviews still, but this blog is for me, and if I don't feel like posting webcomic reviews, then so be it.

In other news, I got confirmation that I'm into second year Computer Engineering and Society! Unfortunately, I can't choose courses until the 17th, so that's going to be lots of fun. Sarah is coming in tomorrow (its after midnight), and Great Big Sea concert is next weekend! Now that I'm done school, I find myself spending a lot of time doing absolutely nothing. If anybody reads this and can think of something actually interesting for me to do before September, comment and let me know. I also still welcome webcomic suggestions, because I wuv my webcomics.

And to distract you from my lack of update....

-The Mysterious Penguin

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