
Saturday, August 21, 2010


I read far too many webcomics. This is a known fact. A lesser known fact is how many podcasts I listen to. My first one was ExtraLife Radio, courtesy of the webcomic EXTRALIFE. After that one very sadly ended, I branched out into other podcasts that the creator, Scott Johnson was part of or mentioned.

First came Final Score, the replacement for ExtraLife, where they talk about video games and all the random paraphernalia that comes with it. Along with that came another of Scott's podcasts, Current Geek, where the investigate the current geekiest stories of the week. I also got into Hypothetical Help, where Scott and a British friend offer hypothetical help to someone.

Along with all these podcasts that involve Scott Johnson, I got into Critical Hit, a Dungeons and Dragon's podcast from the good folk at Major Spoilers. After getting through the considerable backlog, I decided that these guys were great, and started listening to their main podcast, Major Spoilers podcast.

So yes, while my webcomic list is longer then my arm, my podcast list definitely is not short, and updates more then often enough. You can find all of Scott Johnson's podcasts, a bunch of other podcasts, and other fun stuff at FrogPants Studios

-The Mysterious Penguin

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